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Credentials for Google Sheets on Google Cloud

Before you Start

Enable the API!

Find the Settings for Google Sheets, in the API library


If the API is enabled, we're all set, if not, Enable the API

In the screenshot below, it is already enabled.


Service Account


How to setup the Service Account on Google Cloud might change over time.

Go to Google Cloud Console.

Go to API and Services


Go to Credentials, and create a new Service account. Go through all steps.


You now have the Service Account credentials.


If you have not done during the initial creation, go to the created credentials, and add a private KEY.

Create a private key, in the Keys section.


Choose JSON format


After confirmation, a JSON file will be downloaded to your computer. (see example below)

Below is an example (where actual credentials have been removed for security). Below, we'll refer to parts of that JSON to use in the setup.

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your-project-name",
  "private_key_id": "2d7f5c97ccae8465e708bc...",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADqsdfkjqmsdlkfjmsqdkfjtyTXDMR\n42AQ7VJsIxnPM5FUZx8xzRNMVDQakle5Ksi6zFeZr3/Nrh20yXp0iYXtkLqNTvAD\n...\nXwbYE9GufVHVtvXz573fQcQzrPJ5ifjoZ+hDpfpT9ZOfMO1zA/HzOlxfUN9XF2Kc\njfFdOCixWLT6HuKeOb0GH1eo\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "123456789123456798",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "",
  "universe_domain": ""

OAuth 2.0 Client ID Credentials

Go to Google Cloud Console

Choose API and services > Credentials

Start creation of OAuth client ID


Important to set an Authorised redirect URI


It should be set to this URI


Where: {ENVIRONMENT} = Environment Key

Where is the Environment Key?

Open GraFx Publisher (on CHILI GraFx), and take the Key from the URI, it's the first element.


Below is an example, your Environment Key will be unique to your setup.


Set the {CONNECTOR_ID} to the ID of your Connector Instance

You can grab the connector ID from the URI, if you are in the Connector setup (in CHILI GraFx)



At the end, you'll get a JSON file. We'll refer to elements in the setup below.

A secured example to use as reference: 1


  1. Goes without saying, these settings will NOT work, you need to make your own.