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Common Integration Workflows

Let take a look at two fundamental workflows for integrating with GraFx, catering to different levels of customization and control. These examples demonstrate how to effectively incorporate GraFx's capabilities into your application, from a straightforward integration to a more complex, fully-customized setup.

Workflow 1: Advanced Custom Integration: End-User and Document Management Externally

This workflow decreases development time while still allowing you to integrate GraFx into your application.

In this integration, documents are stored in GraFx, but end-users do not log into Instead, they log into your custom application. Your application uses the Environment API to communicate with GraFx, and when an end-user loads a document, it is loaded via a custom UI and then saved back to GraFx when they are done. Instead of managing documents on GraFx, you manage them in your application, usually via a database. The JSON documents are stored on GraFx, and you manage their life cycle in your application via their IDs.

What You Will Need

  • Fonts stored on your GraFx environment
  • Integration client secret and ID with all permissions for output
  • Integration client secret and ID with read-only permissions for the editor
  • A custom UI
  • A database to manage documents


  • Custom Media Connector to your asset management system

The Plan

  1. Create a workflow for template designers to register their Templates into your application from GraFx Studio. They would just be registering the ID of the Template in a database.
  2. Generate a token with your client secret and ID with all permissions:
  3. Generate a token with your client secret and ID with read-only permissions:
  4. End-users, through your application, will pick a product, which will cause the following:
    • Copy the Template or create a Project using the all-permissions token:
      • Create a Project from a Template:
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/projects
      • Copy a Template:
        • GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates/{templateId}/download
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates
      • See Understanding Templates and Projects
    • Store the copied Template or Project ID in your application database
    • Download the JSON of your Template or Project:
      • Template: GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates/{templateId}/download
      • Project: GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/projects/{projectId}/document
    • Open the JSON Template or Project in a custom UI using the read-only token:
    • Save JSON back to Template or Project:
      • Template: UPDATE /api/v1/environment/{environment}/projects/{projectId}/document
      • Project: UPDATE /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates/{templateId}
    • You can generate a preview either:
      • With Studio SDK layout controller: layout.getSelectedSnapshot()
      • With REST API:
        • Template: GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates/{templateId}/preview/{previewType}
        • Project: GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/projects/{projectId}/preview/{previewType}
  5. In your application workflow, when ready for output, download the JSON again and output using the token with all permissions:
    • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/animation
    • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/image
    • New outputs coming out of experimental which require output settings:
      • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/jpg
      • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/png
      • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/mp4
      • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/gif
      • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/pdf

Workflow 2: Full Custom Integration: External Management for All Aspects

This workflow allows for maximum customization, as GraFx Studio becomes a very small part of your application.

This integration removes the need for outside of template designers. Assets are stored externally via Connectors, documents are stored externally, and the Environment API is used only when outputting a render.

What You Will Need

  • Custom Media Connector to your asset management system
  • Fonts stored on your GraFx environment (until Font Connectors are released)
  • Integration client secret and ID with all permissions for output
  • Integration client secret and ID with read-only permissions for the editor
  • A custom UI
  • Storage for document JSON

The Plan

  1. Create a Custom Media Connector for your asset management system and register it in your environment.
  2. Create a workflow for template designers to register their Templates into your application from GraFx Studio, which at minimum will just download a Template's JSON to store in your application's storage:
    • GET /api/v1/environment/{environment}/templates/{templateId}/download
  3. End-user workflow is completely decided by your application, and the integration application only interacts with GraFx Studio at two locations in the workflow:
    • When the end-user in your workflow opens an editor, you do the following:
      • Generate a token with your client secret and ID with read-only permissions:
      • Load your custom UI with your document JSON and token for authentication:
      • When done, get the JSON and store it back into your application storage
        • It is also a good time to generate a preview with Studio SDK layout controller: layout.getSelectedSnapshot()
    • When the application is ready to make an output (PDF, image, video):
      • Generate a token with your client secret and ID with all permissions:
      • Use the all-permissions token to generate output:
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/animation
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/image
        • New outputs coming out of experimental which require output settings:
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/jpg
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/png
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/mp4
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/gif
        • POST /api/v1/environment/{environment}/output/pdf