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Section 1: Setting Up The Project

This section outlines the initial steps for setting up a JavaScript project that uses Node.js and the Hono server library to create a template store.


  • Install Node.js: Ensure Node.js version 18.x or higher is installed on your system.
  • Set up the Project Directory: Create and navigate into the project directory.
  • Initialize Node.js Project: Use npm init -y to create the necessary Node.js files.
  • Install Hono: Add [Hono]]( and its Node server package to the project.
  • Configure ES6 Modules: Modify package.json to support ES6 modules.
  • Test the Setup: Create a simple server file and run it to verify the setup is functional.

1. Prerequisites: Node.js Installation

Install Node.js

Ensure you have Node.js version 18.x or greater.

  • Download Node.js
  • Or use a package manager specific to your OS:
OS Command
Arch Linux sudo pacman -S nodejs npm
macOS (brew) brew install node
Windows winget install OpenJS.Nodejs


Becareful as some package mangers only install node and not the node package manager npm.

Verify Installations

You can test if the installs were successiful by running the following commands in your terminal:

node --version


npm --version

If you see versions for both, especially node version ≥18, you're set. Need help? Consider reaching out to your IT department or chatting with chatGPT to help you with installing Node.js.

2. Initilizing Our Project

Create a project folder:

mkdir building-a-template-store-with-studio
cd building-a-template-store-with-studio


From here on, all terminal commands are assumed to be within this directory.

Initialize a Node.js project:

npm init -y

This will create the require files for Node.js. Learn more about npm init in the (NPM documentation)[].

3. Installing Hono

To add Hono to your project, simply run:

npm i hono @hono/node-server

4. Modifying package.json

Final thing we must do is enable ES6 modules, update your package.json by adding "type": "module"


  "main": "index.js",


  "type": "module",
  "main": "index.js",

5.🧪 Testing the Setup

Alright, great job. Let's now test our setup to make sure things are working.

Create a Server File

  1. Make a server.js file
  2. Add the following code (to that file):
import { serve } from '@hono/node-server';
import { Hono } from 'hono';

const app = new Hono();
app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello Node.js!'));

node server.js

Check Your Setup

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser
  2. You should see 'Hello Node.js!'.

If you do not get 'Hello Node.js!', here are some things to investigate:

Server is Running - Ensure the server is actively running in the terminal. - You should see a message or log indicating the server has started and is listening on a specific port (usually 3000 in this case).

Correct URL - Double-check the URL in the browser. It should be http://localhost:3000. - Make sure there are no typos or extra characters in the URL.

Check Console for Errors - Look for error messages in the terminal where the server is running. - Common errors might include port conflicts, missing dependencies, or syntax errors in your code.

Check Network - Ensure your computer's network settings aren't preventing the server from binding to the port or responding to requests.

Correct Node.js Version - Ensure you're running Node.js version 18.x or greater.

node --version

Dependencies Installed - Confirm that both hono and @hono/node-server are installed in your node_modules folder. - If uncertain, reinstall with:

npm i hono @hono/node-server

package.json Configuration - Ensure the package.json has the "type": "module" setting. - Verify that there are no syntax errors or typos in the package.json file.

Code in server.js - Double-check the code in server.js for typos or omissions. - Confirm the file is saved after any edits.

Port Conflict - Another service or application might be using port 3000. - You can change the port in your code or stop the conflicting service.

Firewall or Security Software - Sometimes, local firewall or security software might block certain ports or actions. Temporarily disable them and try accessing the server again.

Browser Cache - Clear your browser cache or try accessing the server in a private/incognito browser window.

Console Log Errors - Check your browser's developer console for any client-side errors or warnings.