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Section 9: API & Template Management

This section outlines the steps for managing templates in our system, including using access tokens, retrieving template metadata, and updating template records via our API.

Objectives - Understand the process of using access tokens within the API. - Learn to retrieve and handle template metadata. - Integrate template metadata retrieval into our API endpoint.

1. Utilizing Access Tokens

Firstly, integrate the getDangerousToken function into the /templates/:id route within the server.js file:

Import the getDangerousToken function by adding it to the existing import statement:

import { setUserCookie, getUserType, getDangerousToken  } from "./utility.js";

Modify the /templates/:id endpoint to utilize the token:"/templates/:id", async (context) => {
  const userType = getUserType(context);

  if (userType != "admin") {
    return context.text("Unauthorized", 403);

  const {id} = context.req.param();

  const dangerousToken = await getDangerousToken(db);


With our token in hand, we need to actually make an API call to CHILI to get the meta data around this template.

2. Retrieving Template Metadata

Create a new function in chili.js to make an API call for template metadata:

export async function getTemplateMetaData({ token, baseURL, environment, id }) {
  const url = `${baseURL}/grafx/api/v1/environment/${environment}/templates/${id}`;

  try {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
      method: 'GET', // The method is GET by default for fetch
      headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`

    if (response.ok) {
      const jsonResponse = await response.json();
      const { id, name } =;
      return { id, name };
    } else {
      console.log(`Response failed with status ${response.status} : ${await response.text()}`);

    return null;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching template metadata:', error);
    return null;


Currently, the function returns a 500 error code when a template does not exist instead of the more appropriate 404, making it challenging to discern if the template is missing or if there's a server error.

3. Integrating Template Metadata

Update the /templates/:id endpoint in server.js to use the new getTemplateMetaData function:"/templates/:id", async (context) => {
  const userType = getUserType(context);

  if (userType != "admin") {
    return context.text("Unauthorized", 403);

  const {id} = context.req.param();

  // Add a error message to if the template is already registered
  if (db.getTemplates().findIndex(t => == id) != -1) {
    return context.json({error: `Template ${id} already registered`}, 500);

  const dangerousToken = await getDangerousToken(db);

  const templateMeta = await getTemplateMetaData({
    token: dangerousToken,
    baseURL: baseURL,
    id:id });

  if (templateMeta == null) {
    return context.json({error:`Unable to locate template ${id} or error`}, 500);

  return context.json(templateMeta);


5. Creating Config Variables

You might be getting errors in server.js because baseURL and environment do not exist yet.

Create two new variables, and place them anyhere before we call new Hono().

// ...import files
const db = initDB();

// New variables here
const baseURL = process.env["BASEURL"];
const environment = process.env["ENVIRONMENT"];

const app = new Hono();
// of server.js

4. 🧪Testing the Registration Function

Conduct tests to ensure the registration function is operational:

  1. Obtain a template ID from your environment (you have to open the template in Designer to grab the ID from the URL).
  2. Restart your server by running node server.js.
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
  4. Log in as an "Admin".
  5. Attempt to register a template using an incorrect ID to validate the error response.
  6. Register an existing template using a correct ID to confirm successful addition.
  7. Register multiple templates for the next section.