Publish my Connector
You've built a connector! Congratulations.
PS If you are looking for documentation on "How to start building a connector", you need to be here for Media Connectors.
Open Source
To make your connector available on the CHILI GraFx Connector Hub, it must be made open source.
Below, you'll see it needs to be committed to a public repository, which will make it Open Source.
The connector must be submitted to the GitHub Repo
Your connector needs to be documented
- Base configuration
- Authentication setup
- How to use
Publish to GitHub
- Create a fork from the connector Framework Repository
(if you haven't done that allready while building) - Commit your fork
- Create a Pull Request
The Pull Request will trigger the CHILI publish staff to review your code and connector.
Write Documentation
We covered how to start the deployment of a(ny) connector. We expect you to write documentation on the configuration and use of your connector.
The CHILI GraFx Documentation GitHub repository is public (see license). Make a fork, add the documentation pages and make a pull request.
An example can be found on this page.
After your pull request, our team will be notified, and the review process starts.
The team will review your submitted code and validate.
- Functional
- Code
- Security
Once the code and functionality is validated, the CHILI publish team will publish your connector. (merge the pull request) At the same time, the documentation pull request will also be published.
Once the code is merged, the Connector will be available in the Connector Hub
Your Connector is now available in the Connector Hub