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Add Environment Options to Your Connector

This guide is about adding options that are set at the environment level for your Connector code. This is typically used of defining a value that will be shared among your Connector that is tied to every variable and document. For example, defining a base URL.


Adding an Environment Option

We'll add an option to define the base URL for the API that our Connector will use throughout the published environment.

Modify the options property in your package.json to add the new option:

  "config": {
    "type": "media",
    "options": {"baseURL": null},
    "mappings": {}

Setting the value to null requires you to define the value during publishing using the Connector CLI tool. Alternatively, you can provide a default value instead of null. Note that only strings and booleans are allowed; numbers will be converted to strings.

Default Values Issue

There is a known issue in the Connector CLI tool where default values are not applied correctly.

Implementing the Option in Code

Updating the query Method

In the query method, access the new option via the runtime object. Update the fetch request by replacing the hardcoded base URL with the new option:

const resp = await this.runtime.fetch(`https://${this.runtime.options["baseURL"]}/v2/list?page=1&limit=${limit}`, {
  method: "GET"

Updating the download Method

Similarly, update the download method:

async download(
  id: string,
  previewType: Media.DownloadType,
  intent: Media.DownloadIntent,
  context: Connector.Dictionary
): Promise<Connector.ArrayBufferPointer> {
  switch (previewType) {
    case "thumbnail": {
      const picture = await this.runtime.fetch(`https://${this.runtime.options["baseURL"]}/id/${id}/${context.wide ? "400/" : ""}200`, { method: "GET" });
      return picture.arrayBuffer;
    default: {
      const picture = await this.runtime.fetch(`https://${this.runtime.options["baseURL"]}/id/${id}/${context.wide ? "2000/" : ""}1000`, { method: "GET" });
      return picture.arrayBuffer;

Publishing and Testing

When publishing your Connector with the new environment option, include the -ro (required option) argument in your command.

We recommend publishing this as a new connector to test your changes. If you need a refresher on publishing a connector, refer to the Build a Simple Media Connector guide or consult the Connector CLI documentation.

To publish your updated connector:

connector-cli publish -e <environment-name> \
        -b <base-url> \
        -n <name> \
        --proxyOption.allowedDomains "*.xyz" \
        -ro baseURL=""

After publishing, test your connector as we did in Add Variable Settings To Your Connector. For an additional test, try re-publishing with an incorrect baseURL to verify that it doesn't work, demonstrating the importance of the environment option.

Key Accomplishments

By completing this guide, you have:

  • Added an environment-level option to your Connector configuration.
  • Modified your Connector code to utilize the new environment option.
  • Learned how to publish a Connector with required options using the Connector CLI.
  • Gained understanding of how environment options can be used to make your Connector more flexible and configurable.

Next Steps

  1. Review the Comprehensive Connector Documentation for in-depth information on Connector functionality and best practices.