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Section 14: Order Handling

This section provides a detailed guide on handling and managing orders within our example project.

Objectives - Understand the process of order handling in the project. - Implement the order checking and completion functionalities. - Test the order processing workflow.

1. Handling Orders

In a live environment, order processing would typically involve a separate service responsible for file downloads and subsequent delivery to a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system or printer. For the sake of simplicity in our demonstration, we will periodically check the completion status of orders using a timed loop.

Insert the following snippet into your server.js file:

// Check orders every 1 minute to see if any are complete and download them. 
setInterval(async ()=>{

  console.log("Checking orders");

  const orders = db.getOrders();

  const token = await getDangerousToken(db);

  for (const order of orders) {

    const result = await orderDone({taskID: order.taskID, baseURL, environment, token});

    if (typeof result == "string") {
      console.log("Failed Task:" + result);

    if (result == false) {
}, 60000);
This code will: - Remove the order from the database. - Invoke the orderDone function to check if the task is complete. - If true, the task is done and orderDone will download the file. - If false, the task is not done, and will be readded to the database. - If a string, the task failed, and we throw and error.


In a production application, it is a good idea to handle failed tasks by logging the error message, taskID, projectID, and any other info that would be useful in the investigation.

2. Order Completion Verification

In the chili.js file, define a new function orderDone as shown:

export async function orderDone({ taskID, token, baseURL, environment}) {
  const taskUrl = `${baseURL}/grafx/api/v1/environment/${environment}/output/tasks/${taskID}`;

  try {
    const response = await fetch(taskUrl, {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`

    if (response.status === 200) {
      const jsonResponse = await response.json();
      const downloadLink =;
      const ordersDir = "./orders/";
      const filePath = `${ordersDir}${taskID}.png`;

      // Download and save the file
      const downloadResponse = await fetch(downloadLink, {
          headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
      const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
      await await pipeline(downloadResponse.body, fileStream);

      return true;
    } else if (response.status === 204) {
      return false;
    } else {
      if (response.status == 500) {
        return `Error: Task failed ${await response.text()}`;
      else {
        return `Error: Received unexpected status code ${response.status}`;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Failed to process order:", error);
    return `Error: ${error.message}`;

This function performs the following actions: - Calls an API endpoint to check the task status using taskID. - On task completion, downloads the file and saves it to the orders directory. - Handles various HTTP response scenarios, returning a boolean or error message.

By the way, make sure you add a orders folder to avoid filesystem errors when writing the completed task.

mkdir orders

Also don't forget to import orderDone into server.js.

3. Test

To verify the functionality of your order processing:

  1. Restart the server by running node server.js.
  2. Ensure database.json contains several orders. If not, populate it by simulating order creation in your workflow.
  3. Adjust the checking interval in server.js if you prefer not to wait one minute between checks.
  4. Observe the "Checking orders" log in the console to confirm operation, and then locate the downloaded order files in the orders directory.