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GraFx Publisher



  • Fixed performance degradation of copy & move operations
  • Fixed issue with using keyboard shortcut to delete a locked frame (when frame has constraints)

GraFx Publisher


  • Output: Improve error handling of a corrupt PNG during output

GraFx Publisher



  • Fixed failing document preview because of failing preflight checks if a required variable is empty

GraFx Studio


  • Fixed issue with output generation in both Template Designer workspace and Studio UI
  • You can now delete multiple paragraph and character styles, colors, and actions at once

Improvements to Actions (experimental feature):

  • An error icon is shown in the list of actions if the action contains errors
  • We added more flexibility to get and set properties in an action
  • We changed the method name to change the visibility of a frame: .include() is replaced by .setVisible()


This is a breaking change! Please update any template that uses this method (here you can find an example of how it works). Projects created from these templates will also be impacted, so it is advised to delete them and start new projects from the updated templates.

GraFx Publisher


  • User management in GraFx Publisher has changed to API User management. You are now able to manage GraFx Publisher users in CHILI GraFx platform. Existing users in GraFx Publisher are unaffected, but we advise migrating these users to CHILI GraFx.
  • Fixed an issue in the DEL ‘/rest-api/v1.2/resources/Documents/folders’ endpoint to prevent data loss.

GraFx Studio


With this release, we introduced improvements to the GraFx Studio Smart Template editor

  • You're now able to reorder actions (this impacts the order of execution when multiple actions have the same trigger)


  • Action script is saved even if it contains errors (indicated with a red squiggly line). This is useful when you're in the middle of writing an action and you need to close the action interface to check something


  • Visual improvements to the action interface
  • Rename action trigger to "Selected layout changed"
  • Force action names to be unique
  • Show notification when closing or reloading GraFx Studio with unsaved changes
  • When inserting an image variable in an image frame that contains an image, this image is automatically set as default state for that image variable
  • Dialog to edit a character/paragraph style is not hidden behind the animation timeline anymore
  • Fixed issue with error tooltips
  • Add percentage sign behind line height value
  • Selecting another layout exits text editing mode
  • It's no longer possible to use a URL for an image variable (an asset ID must be used)

We also improved the GraFx Studio UI, the interface for the self-service use-case

  • Automatically zoom to page when another layout is selected by an action
  • Shortcuts to select another tool are disabled to prevent end-users from accidentally going into inline edit mode
  • Shortcut to open the debug panel is disabled
  • Show indicator and block new downloads while download is in progress



CHILI GraFx Environment API 1.1.9

  • Introduce GET /environments/{environmentId}/font-styles/{styleId}
    endpoint that provides font style information
  • Introduce DELETE /environments/{environmentId}/font-styles?ids={comma-separated ids}
    endpoint that deletes font styles by id.
  • Introduce DELETE /environments/{environmentId}/font-families?ids={comma-separated ids}
    endpoint that deletes font families by id.
  • Extend GET /environments/{environmentId}/font-familes
    endpoint with ‘search’ argument that provides ability to search by font family name




  • De-activate a user so the user can no longer access or use any of the resources within that subscription
  • Re-activate a user that was deactivated so the user has exactly the same priviliges he had before being de-activated
  • Delete a user so the user loses all his privileges within that subscription & the user isn't visible in the list of users anymore


CHILI GraFx Platform API


  • GET /subscription/id and /subscription/id/renders were migrated to use GUIDs. Now all our endpoints use GUIDs for identifying entities.
  • GET subscription/subscriptionId/users/userId has been deprecated to improve consistency in naming. GET subscriptions/subscriptionId/users/userId is the new endpoint.

GraFx Publisher


  • Backoffice: Fixed issue with old preview being applied when copying document immediately after changes were made to original document
  • Editor: Improved availability of Publisher interface library
  • Editor: Removed the use of the d= parameter in URL as it’s no longer supported in Chrome. (see this Article on CORS for more background)
  • Editor: Fixed issue with assets without point of interest not showing on template when Smart Fit is applied
  • System: Fixed performance degradation of copy & move operations
  • Output: Added error detail for unsupported png files